SchoolCycled Initiative
Our school is taking part in the 'SchoolCycled' initiative. This initiative is aimed at educating and rewarding
children for re-cycling plastic bottle tops brought in to school and deposited in collection boxes. As long as the bottle top or lid is plastic, it can go in the SchoolCycled box to be recycled. The more bottle tops/lids that we can collect, the more tokens we can earn. From gathering tokens we can purchase school equipment, such as, tables, chairs, book shelves and mud kitchens. The bottle tops/lids that we collect will be used to create the pieces of equipment. You can see a child from each year group pictured with the boxes that we have stationed within each classroom. All support is greatly appreciated for this great initiative and encourages us all to re-cycle.
St Malachy's Primary School, 75 Moneyhaw Rd, Moneymore, Magherafelt BT45 7XR
Phone: 028 8673 7132