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St Malachy's Primary School, Moneymore, Magherafelt

Tesco Community Awards

5th Sep 2022

Very exciting news everyone ?

We have been selected for the tesco community grant vote that will be held in stores starting the first week in October until Mid January 2023!

We have applied for funding for outdoor equipment, games , arts and crafts for the children. 

When you are doing your tesco shop you will get some tokens that you can use to vote for our school. Voting will take place in the following stores.....


Please help us to spread the word by liking and sharing this post, we would also love to see some pictures of you all casting your vote so send through to our Facebook page and we will share !!!

Be sure to ask instore for your tokens- the more tokens we receive the more money the school will receive. There are three boxes each box represents a cause.